Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Figure 37. Serial
a. Click any of the Select Port options to select a COM port. The default port is set to COM 1.
b. From the Baud Rate drop-down list, select the Baud Rate. The Baud rate specifies the number of signal changes that
occur per second. The default value is 9600.
c. Click any of the Parity options to set the parity property for the serial port connection.
d. Click any of the Stop options to set the stop bits for the serial port connection. The default value is 1.
e. Click any of the Size options to set the character size for the serial port connection. The default value is 8.
f. Click any of the Flow Control options to set the flow control of bytes in the serial port connection.
3. Click OK to save your settings.
Configure the camera device
About this task
This section describes how to enable the camera that is connected to your thin client.
1. From the desktop menu, click System Setup > Peripherals.
The Peripherals dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Camera tab.
Configuring the thin client local settings