Reference Guide

* Global overrides identically-named user profile
** After sign off, user profile returns to global value
[smartcards={no, yes}]
[mapdisks={no, yes}]
[disablesound={no, yes, 2}]
[unmapusb={no, yes}]
[DisksReadOnly={no, yes}]
[WyseVDA={no, yes}]
[WyseVDA_PortRange=startPort, endPort]
[UnmapClipboard={no, yes}]
[VUSB_DISKS={yes, no}]
[VUSB_AUDIO={yes, no}]
[VUSB_VIDEO={yes, no}]
[VUSB_PRINTER={yes, no}]
[FullScreen={no, yes}]
[Resolution={default, vga_resolution}]
[DisableResetVM={no, yes}]
[FontSmoothing={yes, no}]
[AutoConnect={yes, no}]
[MultiMonitor={yes, no}]
— Default is no. Yes/no option to un-map
unmapserials — Default is no. Yes/no option to un-map serials.
smartcards — Default is no. Yes/no option to use smartcards.
mapdisks — Default is no. Yes/no option to map disks.
disablesound — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable sound. If
value is set to 2, the sound at remote computer is disabled.
unmapusb — Default is no. Yes/no option to un-map USBs.
DisksReadOnly — Default is no. Yes/no option to mount mass
storage disks as read-only.
MouseQueueTimer — Specifies the default queue timer of a
mouse event in an ICA or RDP session (in 1/100 of a second). It
can be used to adjust the bandwidth of a network.
WyseVDA — Default is no. Yes/no option to enable Virtual
Desktop Accelerator for all ICA and RDP sessions.
WyseVDA_PortRange — Sets the ThinOS VDA client port range.
The port range must follow these rules:
1. The port range is a list of start port and end port separated by
a semicolon (;) or a comma (,).
2. Both ports must be between 1 and 65535.
3. The end port must be greater than start port.
For example, WyseVDA_PortRange=3000,3010, the start port is
3000, the end port is 3010.
UnmapClipboard — Default is no. Yes/no option to disable
clipboard redirection for all sessions. For ICA and RDP, specifies if
redirecting the clipboard. This setting in wnos.ini will be saved into
nvram, if EnableLocal parameter is set to yes in wnos.ini.
DefaultColor — Specifies the default color depth to use for the
session 0=256, 1=High color, 2=True Color.
VUSB_DISKS — Default value is yes.
default value is no. The options specifies if these USB devices are
redirected to the server using ICA or RDP USB redirection. In
addition, by default, these devices are set as local devices.
For example, if you want to use USB disks as a
network disk, you can set SessionConfig=all
mapdisks=yes VUSB_DISKS=no.
If you want to use USB disks as server side device, you
can set SessionConfig=all mapdisks=no
VUSB_DISKS=yes. The devices are displayed in device
manager of the session.
FullScreen — Default is no. Specifies the default screen mode.
When using FullScreen in a Dual Screen mode, the session will be
displayed in Span mode
Continued from the previous table...
Resolution — Default is default. Specifies the session resolution.
For example, 640 x 480 and other supported resolutions.
Parameters for wnos INI, {username} INI, and $MAC INI files 79