Setup Guide

Table 6. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files only (continued)
Parameter Description
DNSFileServerDiscoverIn classic mode, if the global INI file in remote
file server and local cache cannot be loaded, a DNS name wyseftpfbc4tc is
resolved to discover the file server. If the optional DNSFileServerDiscover is
set to no, the function is disabled. The value is persistent, and the default
value is yes.
The DNSFIleServerDiscover parameter is disabled if it is not defined using
the user INI parameter after initial configurations are received by the thin
client from Wyse Management Suite. This parameter can be enabled after a
factory reset or if the user INI is set to DNSFIleServerDiscover=yes. As
a security measure, this parameter is disabled if it is not enabled by the user
TLSCheckCNThis option enables you to check the server certificate
common name for SSL connection in full security mode.
This option does not impact SSL connections of VMware View, Amazon
WorkSpaces and VPN. These connections continually check server certificate
common name. The default value is changed to Yes from build version
NOTE: Use NetBIOS or FQDN values to define a SSLHttps
connection when enabling TLSCheckCN option, as enabling TLSCheckCN
results in SSL connection failure when an IP address is defined.
TLSDisableCipherThis parameter confines the TLS client to stop using
the listed cipher suites.
In this release, DES and 3DES can be disabled. For example, to disable both
DES and 3DES, use TLSDisableCipher=DES;3DES.
SetNetiDLicense=(yes, no)
[Name=License name]
[Company=License company]
[Value=License value]
[trace=NetiD driver log path and name]
The SetNetiDLicense parameter enables or disables the usage of SecMaker
NetiD smart card pkcs11 drivers.
The parameters Name, Company, and Value specify the license name, license
company, and the license value respectively.
The trace parameter enables you to set the driver log path and file name. For
example, trace=/tmp/secmaker.log.
SignOn={yes, no, NTLM}
[EnableOK={no, yes}]
[EnableScSSPR={yes, no}]
[EnableScPinChange={yes, no}]
no, yes}]
[DisablePassword={no, yes}]
[LastUserName={no, yes}]
[RequireSmartCard={yes or force, optional,
[SCRemovalBehavior= {none or -1, logoff or 0,
lock or 1, killsessions or 2}]
[SaveLastDomainUser={yes, no, user,
[IconGroupStyle={default, folder}]
SignOn Default is yes. Yes/no/NTLM option to enable the sign-on
process. If set to NTLM, a user can be authenticated with an NTLM protocol.
The user must be a domain user and the same sign-on user credentials must
be available in the ftp://~/wnos/ini/ directory.
MaxConnect Default is 216. Maximum number of connections allowed to
be specified in the wnos.ini file and {username}.ini file added together. The
range allowed for MaxConnect is 100 to 1000. The default maximum is 216
ConnectionManager Default is minimize. State of the Connect Manager
during sign-on.
EnableOK Default is no. Yes/no option to show the OK and Cancel the
command buttons in the Sign-on dialog box.
EnableScSSPRDefault is yes. This parameter hides the smart card pin
change icon on setting the user INI to EnableScSSPR=no. Ensure that the
SignOn parameter is set to yes.
EnableScPinChangeDefault is yes. If the user INI is set to
EnableScPinChange=no, then the smart card pin change radio button is
not displayed. Ensure that the SignOn parameter is set to yes.
DisableGuest Default is no. Yes/no option to disable the guest sign-on.
Parameters for wnos INI files only 35