Setup Guide

Table 6. Connection Settings: wnos.ini files only (continued)
Parameter Description
message box to enter the password. Only if the password is same as the
original signon password, the session starts.
If the terminal is locked and unlocked with the password, the signon
expiration time starts counting again.
UnlockRefresh Default is yes. Yes/no option to specifies the refresh
action after unlocking the system in classic mode.
Yes While unlocking, the system will refresh the PNA list to verify the
No Disables refresh.
SCShowCNName Default is yes. Yes/no option to force the use of the
CN name of the certificate as the user name when using smartcard signon.
The default uses the UPN name as the user name.
SCSecurePINEntry Default is no. Yes/no option to enable Secure PIN
entry function for pkcs15 smart card with Cherry keyboard.
AutoConnectTimeout Default is 30 seconds.
This option sets the timeout for auto connect published application. The
range is 10 seconds to 300 seconds.
DisableEditDomain The optional keyword DisableEditDomain, is set to yes
to stop typing in the domain box manually. Typing the character @ or \ as
in the format domain\user and user@domain in the username box are not
AdGroupPreFix The option AdGroupPreFix is only valid, when you
configure SignOn=NTLM. If the option is configured, then the thin client
verifies the names of all AD groups to which a sign-on user belongs, to
get the first group name so that its prefix matches adgrpnameprefix, and
load adgroup/"the_whole_ad_group_name".ini, if the configuration file exists,
before loading the user specific INI.
For example, if the sign on user is user_111 in a domain, and the user_111
belongs to group domain user and group tc_grp1_ad, the option is configured
as AdGroupPrefix=tc_grp1. If the configuration file adgroup/tc_grp1_ad.ini is
available, it will be loaded.
ClearUserThe option keyword ClearUser, if set to yes, clears the username
when login fails, and if set to no, retains username that is entered after login
failure. The default value is no.
DisableSignoffThe option keyword DisableSignoff, if set to yes, disables
signoff button from shutdown and connection manager window. Also this
parameter disables the logoff button on StoreFront desktop.
SFZeroButtonsThe option keyword SFZeroButtons. if set to yes, displays
the buttons (shutdown, login and so on) at the bottom of signon window,
such as Zero mode when set StoreFront style.
SignonStatusColorThis option specifies the signon status and the
unlocking status text color respectively in RGB string format. The decimal
numbers rrr, ggg, and bbb are in the range of 0255. By default, the status
text color is light red (255 60 60) for ThinOS lite and gray for ThinOS.
The SCHidePINLeft parameter enables you to hide or display the number of
attempts remaining to enter a correct PIN for the smart card. The default
value is no.
[BitmapsMap={yes,no}]When the value is set to yes, this parameter
enables the mapping of built-in bitmaps to customized bitmaps.
You should set the value MirrorFileServer=yes when enabling bitmaps
mapping so that the mapping files are loaded from the local drive while
Parameters for wnos INI files only