Deployment Guide

Table 2. Registering device by using DHCP option tags (continued)
Option Tag Description
DescriptionWMS Server FQDN
Data TypeString
DescriptionMQTT Server
This tag directs the device to the Wyse Management Suite Push Notification
server (PNS). For a private cloud installation, the device gets directed to
the MQTT service on the Wyse Management Suite server. For example, WDA automatically fetches the
MQTT details when devices check in for the first time.
NOTE: MQTT is optional for Wyse Management Suite 2.0 and later
NameCA Validation
Data TypeString
DescriptionCertificate Authority Validation
You can enable or disable CA validation option if you are registering your
devices with Wyse Management Suite on private cloud.
Enter True, if you have imported the SSL certificates from a well-known
authority for https communication between the client and the Wyse
Management Suite server.
Enter False, if you have not imported the SSL certificates from a well-known
authority for https com@Wedding2020munication between the client and the
Wyse Management Suite server.
NOTE: CA Validation is optional for the latest version of Wyse
Management Suite 2.0 and later versions. However, it is recommended to
configure this option tag.
NameGroup Registration Key
Data TypeString
DescriptionGroup Registration Key
This tag directs to the Group Registration Key for the Wyse Management Suite
NOTE: Group Token is optional for Wyse Management Suite 2.0 and later
versions on private cloud. However, there is a known issue that if you do
not provide the group token, the device is not moved to unmanaged group.
Therefore, It is recommended to configure the Group Token key.
Configuring devices by using DNS SRV record
This section describes WMS Server, MQTT, Group Token, and CA Validation User-Defined Options defined using a DNS service.
Table 3. Configuring devices by using DNS SRV record
Option tag Description
WMS server (_WMS_MGMT, Type
This record points to the Wyse Management Suite server URL. For example,, where is the qualified domain name of
the server.
NOTE: There is a known issue that https:// is required in the Wyse Management
Suite server URL. If you do not use https://, the device cannot automatically
check in to Wyse Management Suite.
(Optional) WMS MQTT Server This record directs the device to the Wyse Management Suite Push Notification
server (PNS). For a private cloud installation, the device gets directed to
the MQTT service on the Wyse Management Suite server. For example,
NOTE: MQTT is optional for Wyse Management Suite 2.0 and later versions.
WMS Group Token
This record is required to register the ThinOS device with Wyse Management Suite on
public or private cloud.
NOTE: Group Token is optional for Wyse Management Suite 2.0 and later versions
on private cloud.
Wyse Management Suite Environment Automation using DHCP and DNS 7