Administrator Guide

Configuring TightVNC server properties on the
thin client
1. To open the TightVNC Server Configuration (offline) dialog box, go to Start > TightVNC > TightVNC Server — Offline
The TightVNC Server Configuration (offline) dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Server tab, set the Primary password. Use this password while shadowing the thin client. Default primary password is Wyse.
3. In the Server tab, select the following check boxes:
Accept incoming connections
Require VNC authentication
Enable file transfers
Hide desktop wallpaper
Show icon in the notification area
Serve Java Viewer to web clients
Use mirror driver if available
Grab transparent windows
4. Retain the following check boxes blank:
Block remote input events
Block remote input on local activity
No local input during client sessions
5. In the Main server port box, select or type 5900.
6. In the web access port box, select or type 5800.
7. In the Screen poling cycle box, select or type 1000.
8. Click OK.
For security purposes, it is recommended that the primary password be changed immediately upon receipt of
the thin client and it is for administrator use only.
50 System administration