Reference Guide

Parameter Description
reboot or restart: Reboots the devices.
ProgressUpdateInterval=<10–60> Default is 20
The interval specified for sending image upgrade status to WDM
server. Value less than 10 will be rounded to 10 and Value greater
than 60 will be rounded to 60.
PasswordEncryptionCode={0, 1, 2} Default value is 1
Specifies the desired password encryption algorithm in INI. This
parameter must be place at least before the first password used in
the wlx.ini file.
0: Plain Text
1: Base64 encoded
2: AES encoded
RootPath=<string> Default is /wyse
This path is used to access INI files on the server.
NOTE: If root path is not provided, /wyse is the
default. The directory name /wlx2 is appended to the root
path entry before use, if /wlx2 folder is not available
then /wlx will be the fall back default.
SaveMultiMonitorPref={yes, no} This parameter allows you to save the position of a desktop session,
and then relaunch it in the same position.
URL=https://<FQDN>/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll \
ChallengePassword=<challenge password> \
CADN=<FQDN domain name> \
This parameter allows deployment of certificates with SCEP HTTPS
If the 802.1x authentication is enabled, the User or Machine
certificates obtained from SCEP server from SSL or plain http
connect can be verified.
SshIdleTimeout=<integer 1 to 60> Default is 0, which is disabled. Set the SSH connection idle timeout
in minutes. when the client idle timeout reaches, SSH connection will
be terminated automatically from SSH Server. This works only if SSH
is enabled.
ServerBusyCounter=<1 – 24> Default is 5.
The number of retries when server is busy. There is no hard limit
enforced as this was designed as adhoc measure till wdm server
provides the counter value during checkin.
ServerBusyTimeout=<byte 10 – 360> Default is 30
The interval before Hagent goes for retry. There is no hard limit
enforced as this was designed as adhoc measure till wdm server
provides the timeout value during checkin.
System.Language={en_US, fr_FR, es_ES, de_DE, nl_NL, pt_PT,
zh_CN, ko_KR, ja_JP}
System.Language — The value specifies the UI language and the
locality where it will be used. For example, System.Language =
System.Language – Default is en_US. It specifies only one
language in INI.
NOTE: Do not specify any encoding.
14 General settings parameter options