Reference Guide

Parameter Description
SuspendSystem=<0 to 5 hour> Default is 15 minutes. This option enables your device to enter a
low-power state, and enables you to quickly resume your work
without rebooting the device.
TimeFormat=<String> Default is 12h
Specifies the system time format.
The following are the formats:
24, 24h, 24-hour, 24-hour format.
12, 12h, 12-hour, 12-hour format.
VNCServer.DisableVNC={yes, no} Default is yes
You can disable or enable the VNC Server.
VNCServer.UsePasswd={yes, no} Default is no
You can use password to authenticate VNC connections.
VNCServer.VncPasswd=<string> This parameter is used to set the new VNC password from default.
Maximum length is 8 characters. If the VncPassword is not set, then
default password is Wyse.
NOTE: Password string must not contain single quote
VNCServer.VncPrompt={yes, no} Default is no
This parameter is used to enable a popup dialog asking for accepting
the incoming VNC connection request. The dialog has the followings:
Yes and No button to select. If you do not click on anything, default
will be No after Timeout is reached in 120 seconds by default.
VNCServer.VNCWarning={yes, no} Default is yes.
You can enable or disable a warning icon on the taskbar, when new
VNC connection is connected. The icon remains on the taskbar until
the VNC connection is terminated.
InstallAddons=<name of addon> This parameter specifies the add-ons to be updated. Use comma
separated add-on names.
NOTE: NewAddons=<name of addons>. This parameter
specifies the new add-ons to be installed. Use comma
separated add-on names.
RemoveAddons=<name of addon> This parameter specifies the add-ons to be uninstalled. Use comma
separated add-on names.
TransparentKeyPassThrough={Local, Remote, FullScreenOnly} Default is FullScreenOnly. This parameter enables the keyboard
shortcut sequences defined by the local Windows manager in the
FullScreenOnly — key event is processed locally except in
Fullscreen mode.
Local — key event is processed locally in order to use ICA hot
Remote — key event is forwarded to the server so that ICA hot
keys do not work.
General settings parameter options 15