Administrator Guide

Option Description
This option is enabled only if Display Kiosk Mode is
When you congure the device to remain unlocked, and
you remove the smart card, you will be logged o from
the client desktop.
Table 12. Personalization
Option Description
Background Enables the user to set a customized background.
To set a customized background, click Change, and select the
required background. If you do not want any background, then
select the image at <Will be added in the next draft>.
Enables the user to add a customized logo instead of the default
Dell logo.
To set a customized logo in the background, click Change, and
browse to the required logo on your local drive. If you do not want
any logo, then select the image at <drive C>\Program Files\Wyse
Table 13. Taskbar
Option Description
Date and Time Enables the user to set the date and time option on the Wyse Easy
Setup shell or custom desktop.
Sound Enables the user to set the sound parameters in the Wyse Easy
Setup shell or custom desktop.
Network Status Enables the user to view the network option on the Wyse Easy
Setup shell or custom desktop.
Touch Keyboard Enables the user to view the touch keyboard on the Wyse Easy
Setup shell or custom desktop.
Keyboard Layout Enables the user select multiple language keyboards on the Wyse
Easy Setup shell. You can select multiple language keyboards from
the Control Panel on Wyse Easy Setup shell.
Table 14. Start Menu
Option Description
Admin Mode Enables the user to access administrator mode on the Wyse Easy
Setup shell or custom desktop.
Allow Shutdown Enables the user to shut down the system on the Wyse Easy Setup
shell or custom desktop.
Allow Restart Enables the user to restart the system on the Wyse Easy Setup
shell or custom desktop.
Allow Log o Enables the user to log o the system on the Wyse Easy Setup
shell or custom desktop.
34 Conguring Wyse Easy Setup