Administrator Guide

Figure 3. Unlicensed Devices
To move unlicensed devices to licensed devices you must have enough number of licenses provided by the WDM administrator.
If you do not have enough licenses and attempt to move an unlicensed device to licensed devices, the following message is
displayed:You have no license for the vendor. If you still want to add a device to licensed page, then add
the license that can accommodate more number of devices or delete the already existing devices on the license page.
WDM Utilities
WDM provides many utilities that enable to you to perform many additional functions such as high availability conguration, importing data
into the database, managing accounts and DNS-DHCP lookup.
To access utility perform the following task:
1 Click the drop-down list of Logged in Username > My Account > Download Utilities .
2 Extract the contents from the downloaded le.
3 The following WDM utilities are displayed:
HA (High Availability Conguration Utility)
Import (Importing Data into the Database)
Account (Account Utility)
DNS-DHCP (DNS-DHCP Lookup Utility)