Administrator Guide

In the Devices page you can view all the devices which are discovered automatically or manually. You can also view the details of the device
information and perform the tasks such as adding the new device manually, real time commands and so on.
Table 3. Devices
Parameter Description
Name Displays the name of the device.
IP address Displays the IP address of the devices.
Platform Displays the platform of the devices.
Operating system Displays the operating system running on the devices.
MAC address Displays the MAC address of the devices.
Last check in Displays the time stamp when device reports to WDM server.
NOTE: For all the devices, the health status is displayed next to its name. If you pause the pointer over the health status icon,
the health status of that particular device is displayed.
The detailed summary of the devices are displayed under All Devices tab on the upper left of the page.
Figure 4. All Devices
To perform real time commands on the discovered devices complete the following task:
General real time command options:
1 The real time commands are available on the top of the screen.
a To refresh the page, click Refresh.
b Click More to rename the device and enter the updated name in the Rename Device eld.
c Click Add or nd Device to add a device manually or nd more devices to WDM by manual discovery.
24 Devices