Administrator Guide

Figure 16. PCoIP Device Conguration
AdminPassword — Sample package to change the administrator password for ThreadX devices.
Certication — Sample package to change the device certicate for ThreadX devices.
Disable VDMUserNameCaching — Sample package to disable the caching of the VDM Login user name for ThreadX devices.
DisableWebInterface — Sample package to disable the web interface for ThreadX devices .
Enable WakeOnLan — Sample package to enable WakeOnLAN feature for ThreadX devices.
EventLog — Sample package for ThreadX devices event logging.
Language — Sample package to change the language conguration for ThreadX devices.
PowerOnAfterPowerLoss — Sample package to enable power on after power loss on ThreadX devices
RDP — Sample package to change the RDP conguration for ThreadX devices.
TimeZone — Sample package to change the timezone conguration for ThreadX devices.
USBPermissions — Sample package to congure USB Permissions for ThreadX devices
Video - Sample package to change the video conguration for ThreadX devices.
VMWareView - Sample package to change the VMWare view conguration for ThreadX devices.
Table 8. PCoIP Device
Parameter Description
Name Displays the name of the packages.
Description Displays the version of the packages.
Operating System Displays the operating system of the registered packages.
Created At Displays the Date and Time of the package creation.
General options for conguring the packages/images
1 Select any of the listed packages/images.
The options to perform the tasks are available on the upper-right corner of the screen.
a Click the Update option to update the selected package/image.