Administrator Guide

5 Select the radio button of Management Console option.
6 Click View option to view the event log messages.
Figure 69. Event Log
7 Search for DNS SRV information from the log and specically for MGMT_DISC_DNS. In this example search for properly discovered
intended WDM server which has the name and IP address of
Figure 70. Logs
8 Check your management console (WDM) to conrm that the device is appearing or listed.
Figure 71. Dell Wyse Device Manager
: The rmware 4.x teradici has a known limitation in the communication of devices registering with the WDM. It may
take 15-30 minutes for the device to display in the console even after the log shows it has registered.
Conguring rmware 5.x
Firmware 5.x uses a DNS_SRV record in addition to the text record that contains the thumbprint of the SSL certicate to use in the
management console.
WDM 5.7.2 supports Teradici 5.x rmware with comprehensive features.
After creating the DNS_SRV record, for more information see, Steps to create a DNS_SRV record then complete the following steps:
1 The rst record required is a DNS_SRV record for _pcoip-bootstrap. The record must point to the name of the management console
Management of Teradici device using WDM