Install Guide

WDM Upgrade Installation Fails
Problem: WDM Upgrade installation fails while connecting to software repository.
Resolution: One of the reason for this issue is, the Computername for the setup has more than 16 characters. This brings out a
mismatch in Computername and NetBIOS name (truncated to 15 chars) for the setup. To conrm this issue, check if the above
mentioned system variables are dierent. If yes, install WDM on a setup which has hostname to a max of 15 characters, and then re-
run upgrade installer.
Conguration Error After Upgrading from WDM 5.7 to WDM 5.7.2
Issue: After you install WDM successfully and reboot the system, the following services are congured to run under dedicated
account, but do not start due to a logon failure. Such as,
ThreadX Manager
Recurring Schedule
Reason: Installer failed to provide 'Log On As A Service' right to the user account.
Resolution: Manually congure the user account to have 'Log On As A Service' permission.
Cloud Environment Setup Issue
Issue: An error message is displayed intermittently when you run the setup.exe le during WDM installation in the cloud
Scenario 1– Only the error message is displayed
Close the dialog box displaying the error message, and then run the setup.exe le again.
Scenario 2– An error message is displayed along with the Welcome Screen running in background
Close the dialog box displaying the error message and the Welcome screen, and then run the setup.exe le again.
Error in Installation of WDM in Upgrade Setup
Issue: During the installation of WDM, if you use dierent database user other than the default user, then you will not be able to
proceed with the installation of WDM in Upgrade setup. Unable to proceed with the installation, aborting installation error
message is displayed.
Right click Conguration Manager and select UtilitiesDatabase Credential Manager.