Install Guide

Installing Dell Wyse Device Manager (WDM)
This section guides you through the complete WDM installation procedures. WDM consists of the following components:
Management Server
Software Repository
Other Services
Web UI
You can install all the components on the same system or you can have a distributed setup where each component is installed on
dierent systems.
You can install WDM in two avours:
Enterprise Edition
This edition needs a specic license key and comes packaged with all the features of WDM. You can manage a very large number
of thin client devices using this edition. You can install this edition in a distributed environment and can install every component
on dierent systems.
Workgroup Edition
This edition consists of a free license key and certain features of WDM are disabled. You can manage upto 10,000 thin client
devices using this edition. You must install all the components in the same system and you cannot have a distributed setup with
this edition.
NOTE: Workgroup license needs to be activated.
To run the WDM Installer (Setup.exe), you must log in to the system as an Administrator.
You cannot install WDM on servers running other services such as the DNS, or DHCP, AD Domain Services or other
services that conict with the WDM functionality and resources.
When you are installing the WDM database in a standalone or a distributed setup, and want to use an existing SQL
database, make sure that it is a full version of SQL Server and not SQL Server Express.
The Dell Community Forums supports the WDM Workgroup.
Threadx 5x management component is supported only in enterprise edition.