Install Guide

The Welcome screen is displayed.
3. Click Next.
4. Select Enterprise as the License Type.
a. If you have the WDM License key, select the I have WDM Enterprise License Key option and enter the license key in the
space provided.
b. If you do not have the License key, select the 30–days Enterprise Evaluation option.
The license key is entered by default. However, after the 30 days evaluation period, you need to obtain the license key and
re-install WDM.
5. Click Next.
The Components screen is displayed.
6. Select only the Software Repository component and click Next to specify the WDM Database details.
7. In the Congure Database screen specify the following details:
a. Select the Authentication Method. SQL Server Authentication is selected by default. Select Windows Authentication if
you want to connect to the WDM Database (RapportDB) using your Windows login credentials.
b. If the WDM database is created on SQL Server, then provide only the server name. If the WDM database is created on SQL
Server Express, then provide the server name and the database instance name. For example, TESTVM1\RapportDB.
c. Enter the user name and the password to access the WDM Database.
d. Click Next.
The Congure Software Repository Server screen is displayed.
8. Enter the authentication details for the Software Repository:
a. Congure New Repository Server — select this option if you want the installer to congure the repository server. You can
create a new user or use an existing user.
b. Use Existing Repository Server — select this option if you have already congured the repository server.
c. Select Protocols — Select the protocol and settings to distribute software to the managed devices. HTTPS is selected by
default. You can also select FTP and CIFS.
d. Authentication Type — Windows is selected by default. You can also select Basic.
e. Username — Rapport is displayed by default. You can change this. If you select the Use existing user option, enter the
user name of the existing WDM database user.
f. Password — Enter the password to connect to the database.
g. Conrm Password — If you are creating a new user, enter the password again.
h. Click Next.
9. Provide the installation path and click Next. The summary screen is displayed.
10. Select the Certicate and import the same and click Next.
NOTE: Same certicate should be used while installing the management server.
The summary screen is displayed with the components you have selected.
11. Click Next to begin the installation.
The installation progress is displayed on the screen and after installation is complete, you are prompted to restart your system.
Restart the system for the system changes to take eect.
Upgrading WDM
The current version of WDM supports an upgrade from WDM version 5.7/5.7.1. You cannot upgrade from any other version. If you are
running an older version of WDM, you must rst upgrade to version 5.7/5.7.1 and then upgrade to the latest version.
NOTE: After you upgrade to WDM version 5.7.2, you must upgrade all devices with the latest Agents packages available
to make sure your devices can be managed using WDM. For more information, see the
WDM 5.7.2 Release Notes
To upgrade to WDM version 5.7.2:
1. Extract the contents of the WDM installer on the system where you have installed WDM version 5.7/5.7.1.