Install Guide

9. Double click on Routing Rules and select the Enable SSL ooading option if you want the communication between the ARR
Proxy Servers and the WDM Management Servers to be in plain text. You also need to add both the HTTP and HTTPS ports to
the Default Web Site Bindings on the individual WDM Management Server systems.
If you want the communication between the ARR Proxy Server and the WDM Management Servers also to be on the HTTPS
protocol, then you must disable the SSL o-loading feature and congure SSL on the individual WDM Management Servers. If
you use a self-signed certicate setting up SSL on the WDM Management Server, then import this certicate to the Trusted
Root Certicate Authorities store for a local computer on the ARR Proxy Server by following the steps available on Microsoft
Conguring Server Farm Properties for ARR
After the server farm has been created and dened, you need to set additional properties to manage the behavior of ARR.
To congure server farm properties:
1. Log in to the ARR Proxy Server and launch the IIS Server Manager.
2. Select the Server Farm you created. The following options are displayed on the right-hand pane:
Health Test
Load Balance
Monitoring and Management
Routing Rules
Server Anity
3. Select Caching.
a. De-select the Enable disk cache option to disable caching.
b. Set the Memory cache duration to 0.
4. Select Health Test.
a. Enter the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) of the ARR proxy server in the URL eld. The value should be : http(s)/
<ProxyFQDN>/hserver.dll?&V93. This is the URL, which ARR uses to send requests to the WDM Management Server to
check the Health for a particular server farm.
b. Set the Interval time period after which the ARR Health Test repeats the Health Check. The default is 30 seconds. You can
set it to 180 seconds.
c. Set the time out period of the URL you specied. This is the time period during which if the server does not respond, it is
marked as Unhealthy.
d. Set the Acceptable Status codes to 200–399. If the Hhealth URL returns a status code that does not match with the
value in the Acceptable Status Codes, then ARR marks that server as unhealthy.
e. Set the text value Server Healthy in the Response Match eld. The text in Response Match is veried against the
response entity from each server and if response from server does not contain the string specied in response match then
that server is marked as unhealthy.
f. Click Verify URL. This should pass for all the WDM Management Servers in the server farm.
5. Change the Load Balance algorithm.
a. Select Weighted Round Robin from the Load balance algorithm drop-down list.
b. Select Even distribution from the Load distribution drop-down list.
c. Click Apply.
6. Double click the Monitoring and Management option to view the WDM Management Server health status and other statistics.
7. Double click Proxy to congure the proxy settings:
a. Change the Response buer threshold value to 0.
b. De-select the Keep Alive option.
c. Change the HTTP version to HTTP/1.1.
d. Select the Reverse rewrite host in response headers option.