Install Guide

Terms and denitions
The following table lists the terms used in this document and their denitions:
Table 6. Terms and denitions
Terminology Denition
Private cloud Wyse Management Suite server installed on the cloud that is
private to your organization’s datacenter.
WDA Wyse Device Agent which resides in the device and acts as an
agent for communication between server and client.
Local repository Application, operating system image, and le repository that is
installed by default with the Wyse Management Suite server.
Remote repository Application, operating system image, and le repositories that can
be optionally installed for scalability and reliability across
geographies to transfer content.
Public cloud Wyse Management Suite hosted on a public cloud with the
convenience and cost savings of not having to set up and maintain
the infrastructure and software.
Add-on/App Any component or package that is not a part of the base build and
is provided as an optional component. The component or package
can be deployed from the management software.
For example — Latest connection brokers from VMware and Citrix
On-premise Wyse Management Suite server installed on-premise that is private
to your organization's datacenter.
A group of users who share a common access with specic
privileges to the Wyse Management Suite.
It is a unique key assigned to specic customers to access the
management suite.
Users Users can be local administrators, global administrators and viewers.
Group users and users imported from Active Directory can be
assigned global administrator, group administrator, and viewer roles
to log in to the Wyse Management Suite. Users are given
permissions to perform operations based on roles assigned to them.
58 Terms and denitions