Install Guide

12. To switch to the stratus database, run the following command:
use stratus;
13. To stop the MongoDB services, run the following command:
net stop mongoDB
14. Add an authentication permission to the admin DB. Modify the mongod.cfg file to the following:
15. To restart the MongoDB service, run the following:
net Start mongoDB;
In the Wyse Management Suite installer, the administrator must use the same user name and password that was created to access the
stratus databases in MongoDB. For information about setting the MongoDB on the Wyse Management Suite installer, see Custom
Configure Maria database
Maria database (MariaDB) operates on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port number 3306.
The IP address displayed here belongs to the Wyse Management Suite server that hosts the web components.
Replace any value that is boldfaced with your environment variables, as applicable.
To configure MariaDB, do the following:
1. Install the MariaDB version 10.2.29.
2. Navigate to the MariaDB installation path—C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.2\bin>mysql.exe -u root –p.
3. Provide the root password which was created during installation
4. Create the database stratus—DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;.
5. Create user 'stratus'@'localhost';
6. Create user 'stratus'@'IP ADDRESS';
7. Set a password for 'stratus'@'localhost'=password('PASSWORD');
8. Set a password for 'stratus'@'IP ADDRESS'=password('PASSWORD');
9. Provide all privileges on *.* to 'stratus'@'IP ADDRESS' identified by 'PASSWORD' with a grant option.
10. Provide all privileges on *.* to 'stratus'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' with a grant option.
NOTE: To configure custom port for MariaDB, navigate to C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.2\bin>mysql.exe -u
root –p -P<custom port> in the second step.
In the Wyse Management Suite installer, the administrator must use the same user name and password that was created to access the
stratus databases in MariaDB. For information about setting the MariaDB on the Wyse Management Suite installer, see Custom
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