Users Guide

option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Also add
information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. You should also get your employer (if you work as a
programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the
names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by
James Random Hacker. signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it!
======================= The Apache Software Foundation uses various licenses to distribute software and
documentation, to accept regular contributions from individuals and corporations, and to accept larger grants of existing
software products. These licenses help us achieve our goal of providing reliable and long-lived software products through
collaborative open source software development. In all cases, contributors retain full rights to use their original contributions for
any other purpose outside of Apache while providing the ASF and its projects the right to distribute and build upon their work
within Apache. LICENSING OF DISTRIBUTIONS All software produced by The Apache Software Foundation or any of its
projects or subjects is licensed according to the terms of the documents listed below. APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0
(CURRENT) ( TXT or HTML ) The 2.0 version of the Apache License was
approved by the ASF in 2004. The goals of this license revision have been to reduce the number of frequently asked questions,
to allow the license to be reusable without modification by any project (including non-ASF projects), to allow the license to be
included by reference instead of listed in every file, to clarify the license on submission of contributions, to require a patent
license on contributions that necessarily infringe the contributor's own patents, and to move comments regarding Apache and
other inherited attribution notices to a location outside the license terms (the NOTICE file ). The result is a license that is
supposed to be compatible with other open source licenses, while remaining true to the original goals of the Apache Group and
supportive of collaborative development across both nonprofit and commercial organizations. The Apache Software Foundation
is still trying to determine if this version of the Apache License is compatible with the GPL. All packages produced by the ASF
are implicitly licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, unless otherwise explicitly stated. More developer documentation
on how to apply the Apache License to your work can be found in * Applying the Apache License, Version 2.0 *. APACHE
LICENSE, VERSION 1.1 (HISTORIC) The 1.1 version of the Apache License was
approved by the ASF in 2000. The primary change from the 1.0 license is in the 'advertising clause' (section 3 of the 1.0 license);
derived products are no longer required to include attribution in their advertising materials, only in their documentation.
Individual packages licensed under the 1.1 version may have used different wording due to varying requirements for attribution or
mark identification, but the binding terms were all the same. APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 1.0 (HISTORIC) http:// This is the original Apache License which applies only to older versions of Apache
packages (such as version 1.2 of the Web server). CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENTS The ASF desires that all
contributors of ideas, code, or documentation to any Apache projects complete, sign, and submit via email an Individual
Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). The purpose of this agreement is to clearly define the terms under which intellectual
property has been contributed to the ASF and thereby allow us to defend the project should there be a legal dispute regarding
the software at some future time. A signed ICLA is required to be on file before an individual is given commit rights to any ASF
project. For a corporation that has assigned employees to work on an Apache project, a Corporate CLA (CCLA) is available for
contributing intellectual property via the corporation, that may have been assigned as part of an employment agreement. Note
that a Corporate CLA does not remove the need for every developer to sign their own ICLA as an individual, which covers both
contributions which are owned and those that are not owned by the corporation signing the CCLA. The CCLA legally binds the
corporation, so it must be signed by a person with authority to enter into legal contracts on behalf of the corporation. The ICLA
is not tied to any employer you may have, so it is recommended to use one's personal email address in the contact details, rather
than an @work address. Your Full name will be published unless you provide an alternative Public name. For example if your full
name is Andrew Bernard Charles Dickens, but you wish to be known as Andrew Dickens, please enter the latter as your Public
name. The email address and other contact details are not published. If you are submitting an ICLA in response to an invitation
from a PMC, be sure to identify the project via the form field "notify project". Also, choose a preferred id that is not already in
use. Apache ids must start with an alphabetic character and contain at least two additional alphanumeric characters (no special
characters). You can check for ids in use here. SOFTWARE GRANTS When an individual or corporation decides to donate a
body of existing software or documentation to one of the Apache projects, they need to execute a formal Software Grant
Agreement (SGA) with the ASF. Typically, this is done after negotiating approval with the ASF Incubator or one of the PMCs,
since the ASF will not accept software unless there is a viable community available to support a collaborative project.
SUBMITTING LICENSE AGREEMENTS AND GRANTS Documents may be submitted by email and signed by hand or by
electronic signature. Postal mail hard copy and fax are no longer supported. When submitting by email, please fill the form with a
pdf viewer, then print, sign, scan all pages into a single pdf file, and attach the pdf file to an email to If
possible, send the attachment from the email address in the document. Please send only one document per email. If you prefer
to sign electronically, please fill the form, save it locally (e.g. icla.pdf), and sign the file by preparing a detached PGP signature.
For example, gpg --armor --detach-sign icla.pdf The above will create a file icla.pdf.asc. Send both the file (icla.pdf) and
signature (icla.pdf.asc) as attachments in the same email to Please send only one document (file plus
signature) per email. Please do not submit your public key to Apache. Instead, please upload your public key to
The files should be named icla.pdf and icla.pdf.asc for individual agreements; ccla.pdf and ccla.pdf.asc for corporate
agreements; software-grant.pdf and software-grant.pdf.asc for grants. We do not accept Zip files or other archives. Please
note that typing your name in the field at the bottom of the document is not signing, regardless of the font that is used. Signing
is either writing your signature by hand on a printed copy of the document, or digitally signing via gpg. Unsigned documents will
Third party licenses