Administrator Guide

Mobile phone number
If you click the Roles tab, enter the following details:
a. In the Roles section, from the Role drop down list, select the Administrator role.
b. In the Password section, do the following:
i. Enter the custom password.
ii. To generate any random password, select the Generate random password radio button.
6. Click Save.
Add end user
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click End Users.
3. Click Add User.
4. Enter the username, domain, first name, last name, email address, title, and phone number
5. Click Save.
Edit an end user
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click End Users.
3. Click Edit End Users.
4. Enter your email ID and user name in the respective fields.
5. Click Save.
Create end-user exceptions
You can configure and deploy settings to an individual user. The settings are applied to the user account and are applied to the thin client
when the user logs in. This option is applicable only to thin clients running ThinOS 9.x operating system.
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click End Users.
3. Select a user.
The End User Details page is displayed.
4. Click the Edit Policies drop-down menu and select the operating system.
5. Configure the required policies and click Save and Publish.
This feature is applicable only to thin clients running ThinOS 9.x operating system. There is no limit on the
number of end users in the on-premise environment. You can add 10000 users in a public cloud.
Bulk import end users
1. Click the Users tab.
2. Click End Users.
3. Click Bulk Import.
4. Click Browse, and select the .csv file.
5. Click Import.
Managing users