Administrator Guide

5. Copy the generated license key.
6. Log in to Wyse Management Suite Private Cloud console.
7. Go to Portal Administration > Accounts > Subscription.
8. Enter the generated license key in the box.
9. Click Import.
Thin client licenses allocation
You can allocate the thin client licenses between Wyse Management Suite Private Cloud and Wyse Management Suite Public Cloud
1. Log in to the Wyse Management Suite Public Cloud console.
2. Go to Portal Administration > Accounts > Subscription.
3. Enter the number of thin client seats.
NOTE: The thin client seats should be manageable in the Public Cloud. The entered number of thin client seats must
not exceed the number displayed in Manageable option.
4. Click Export.
NOTE: The number of Public Cloud licenses is adjusted based on the number of thin client seats exported to the
Private Cloud.
5. Copy the generated license key.
6. Log in to Wyse Management Suite Private Cloud console.
7. Go to Portal Administration > Accounts > Subscription.
8. Import the exported license key to the Private Cloud.
The license cannot be imported if it has insufficient thin client seats to manage the number of devices
currently being managed in the Private Cloud. In this case repeat steps 3–8 to allocate the thin client seats.
License orders
In public cloud, the License Orders section displays the list of placed orders including the expired licenses. By default, expired orders are
not displayed. Select the Include expired orders check box to view the expired orders. The expired orders are displayed in red color, and
the orders which expire in 30 days or less are displayed in orange.
This feature is not applicable for on-premises deployment as it does not display the order history. However, the
on-premises license order history is available when you log in to the public cloud portal as tenant admin.
Managing license subscription 89