Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Host offering this serviceFQDN of MQTT server
6. Go to DNS > DNS Server Host Name > Forward Lookup Zones > Domain , and right-click the domain.
7. Click Other New Records.
8. Select Text (TXT), click Create Record, and do the following:
a. To create Wyse Management Suite Group Token record, enter the following values, and click OK.
TextWMS Group token
b. To create Wyse Management Suite CA validation record, enter the following values, and then click OK.
How to change the hostname to IP address
About this task
You must change the hostname to IP address when the hostname resolution fails.
1. Open the DOS prompt in elevated Admin mode.
2. Change the directory to C:\Program Files\DELL\WMS\MongoDB\bin.
3. Enter the command, mongo localhost -username stratus -p --authenticationDatabase admin
OutputMongoDB shell version v4.2.12
4. Enter the password.
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 4.2.12
5. Enter : use stratus
Outputswitched to db stratus
6. Enter the command, > db.bootstrapProperties.updateOne( {'name': 'stratusapp.server.url'},
{$set : {'value' : "https://IP:443/ccm-web"}} )
Output{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }
7. Enter the command, > db.getCollection('bootstrapProperties').find({'name':
Output{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b97905e48b7b7e99ad22aa6"), "name" : "stratusapp.server.url", "value" : "https://IP:443/ccm-
web", "isActive" : true, "committed" : true }
How do I image the device using self-signed remote
You can perform imaging of Windows Embedded Standard and ThinLinux devices from the local repository of private cloud or
from the remote repository of public cloud.
If the image is deployed from the local repository of private cloud or from the remote repository of public cloud with a
self-signed Certificate, the administrator must push the self-signed certificate to the thin clients to perform imaging when the
CA Validation is enabled.
1. Export the self-signed certificate from Internet Explorer or MMC.
2. Upload the certificate to Wyse Management Suitesee Image Policy.
Frequently asked questions