Reference Guide

Figure 63. Setup type
3. Select the External Remote Mongo database option (MongoDB Cluster with Replica set created). Ensure to provide the
remote primary Mongo DB server information and port number; and Mongo DB username and password.
Figure 64. Configuration
4. Select the External MariaDB option for MySQL. Provide MySQL router address (Local Host if it is installed on Wyse
Management Suite server node) in the External Maria DB Server fields with the port number(Default 6446). You must
type the MySQL database user account information that was created initially.
Ensure that the "Stratus" Database is created and "DB User" account(stratus) with appropriate Privileges is
created on MySQL server.
The following commands are to be started in the Primary Node or R/W MySQL DB Server:
a. Open command prompt with Admin mode, go to C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin> and start command,
C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin>mysql.exe -u root p
b. Provide the root password which was created during My SQL server installation to log in into DB server.
Install Wyse Management Suite on Windows Server 2012 R2/2016/2019