Administrator Guide

2. Click .
A warning message indicating that this action removes one or more groups from the group tree hierarchy is displayed.
3. From the groups drop-down list, select a new target group for users and devices in the current group.
4. Click Remove Group.
NOTE: When you remove a group from the group hierarchy, all users and devices that belong to the deleted group are
moved to the custom, default, or unmanaged group.
NOTE: When you delete the select group, the devices of removed group cannot be moved to another select group.
Create a user policy group
You can create groups for the global user group policies and categorize users and devices based on their user groups.
1. On the Groups & Configs page, click the Default User Policy Group option.
2. Click .
3. In the Add New Group dialog box, enter the Group Name, Description, Domain, AD Attribute (AD group or OU group)
and AD Attribute Name which is the name present in the AD domain. You must use the Group Name as the AD Attribute
Managing groups and configurations