Reference Guide

Upgrading from Wyse Management
Suite version 1.4/1.4.1/2.x/2.1 to Wyse
Management Suite version 3.x
Ensure to perform the following tasks before upgrading to Wyse Management Suite version 3.x:
Set the policy of the resources(tomcat,memcache,mqtt) in the access point to "if resource fails, Do not restart" though
default policy if resource fails, attempt restart on current node is recommended, for failover scenario it does not allow the
product to upgrade.
Figure 84. Tomcat Service Properties
Upgrade the MongoDB Replica Set from 3.4.1 to 4.2.1; path of Mongo DB Upgrade is 3.4.1 >> 3.6 >> 4.0 >> 4.2.1. This
is because from Wyse Management Suite 2.0 version onwards we support MongoDB version 4.2.1 due to scheme changes
made to support RAPTOR 9.0 devices.
NOTE: You must update the MongoDB replica set to 4.2.12 before upgrading to Wyse Management Suite version 3.3.
1. Upgrading Replica Set from 3.4.1 to 3.6see
2. Upgrading Replica Set from 3.6 to 4.0.13see
3. Upgrading Replica Set from 4.0 to 4.2.1see
The primary MongoDB server must be the first entry in the 'mongodb.seedList' value in '' file under "
Tomcat-9\webapps\ccm-web\WEB-INF\classes ".
The MS Services Control Panel "services.msc" and any Wyse Management Suite related Files and Folder must be closed.
Upgrading from Wyse Management Suite version 1.4/1.4.1/2.x/2.1 to Wyse Management Suite version 3.x 83