Owners Manual

32: 卸下并安装 SD vFlash
1. SD vFlash 2. SD vFlash 卡插槽
3. 要安装 SD vFlash 卡,将带标签的一面朝上,将 SD 卡的触针一端插入模块上的卡插槽中。
: 为确保正确插入卡,插槽设置了键锁。
4. 向内按压插卡,使其完全进入插槽并锁定。
卸下 vFlash 介质单元
小心: Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You should only perform
troubleshooting and simple repairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed
by the online or telephone service and support team. Damage due to servicing that is not
authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructions that
came with the product.
1. 关闭系统,包括所有已连接的外围设备,并断开系统与电源插座和外围设备的连接。
2. 卸下系统护盖。
3. 拧下用于将 vFlash 介质单元固定到机箱的螺钉。
4. vFlash 介质单元和背板上拔下电缆。
5. 朝机箱正面滑动 vFlash 介质单元,将其从系统中提出。
6. 安装系统护盖。
7. 将系统重新连接至电源插座,并开启系统和所有已连接的外围设备的电源。