User's Manual

The Compass Page
want to calibrate the compass unless you know the
inaccuracy is caused by a temporary event, such as being
near power lines or near a magnetic eld caused by a car.
You may want to turn off the electronic compass when
you are in an area with magnetic interference. For more
information, see Compass and Altimeter on page 86.
Tip Calibrate the compass when you change the batteries
in the PN-60.
Calibrating Sensors
You can calibrate the PN-60's electronic compass and
barometric altimeter with the Calibrate option on the
Satellite Page menu, the Compass Page menu, and the
Settings > Compass & Altimeter menu. The Settings
> Compass & Altimeter options allow you to turn the
electronic compass, the barometric altimeter, and
the auto-calibrate altimeter option on or off. For more
information, see Compass and Altimeter on page 86.
Info Fields
The Compass Page includes elds of information that you
can customize to suit your needs. You can even change
which info elds display depending on your activity. For
each activity, the info eld types change for navigating
or tracking (regular GPS use).
To access the Info Fields options, go to MENU > Info
Fields. For more information, see Info Fields on page 11
and The Activities Page section on page 17.
Other Menu Options
When navigating, additional options are available on
the Compass Page menu.
View Comment Details
When navigating to a waypoint or geocache, the View
Comment Details option allows you to view the comment
for the waypoint or geocache. If you view another
waypoint or geocache, View Comment Details displays
the most recent comment details viewed.
Go to MENU > View Comment Details.
Log Your Geocache Find
When navigating to a geocache, use the Log Your
Geocache Find option to quickly log geocaches, write
eld notes, and pick your next cache. For more
information about all of these features, see The
Geocaches Page section starting on page 53.
Route Options
When navigating, use Route Options to stop navigating,