User's Manual

mbed Kit User Guide Sheet 9 of 15 Aug 11, 2015
Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change
(4) During the image uploading, the (LD8) should blink to indicate the uploading state.
(5) When the uploading is completed, the succ.txt should be appeared in USB drive. Then the
uploaded application starts running on DELTA DFCE-NNN40.
4. Kit Description.
4.1 Kit Feature
DFCE-NNN40-DTxR BLE/WiFi combo module
Nordic nRF51822 with ARM® Cortex-M0 processor
32MHz external crystal, 256KB flash memory, 32KB RAM
2xSPI (up to 4MHz), 2xI2C (100/400Kbps), UART (up to 921600), 5xADC,
LGA42 pin package
Built in RF switch for BLE and WLAN using a single antenna
Bluetooth 4.1 specification compliant
Support mbed official BLE API, refer to
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (1x1)
Supports IEEE 802.11 WEP, WPA, WPA2 Security
Support mbed official EthernetInterface and Socket API, refer to
USB drag and drop programming
CMSIS-DAP interface for programming and debugging
Accepts power through USB and External source
Pin header for current measurement