Elevator Drive User Manual

Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-104 Revision Nov. 2008, VLE1, SW V1.03
Group 11 Advanced Parameters
11-00 System Control
Factory Setting: 0
Settings Bit 0=0 No function
Bit 0=1 ASR Auto tuning, PDFF enable
Bit 7=0 No function
Bit 7=1
When position control is enabled, it doesn’t need to set Pr.07-02
(DC Brake Current Level)
Bit 15=0
when power is applied, it will detect the position of magnetic field
Bit 15=1
when power is applied, it will start from the magnetic field
position of previous power failure
Bit 0=1: PDFF function is enabled and system will generate an ASR setting, Pr. 10-11~10-16
will be invalid and Pr.11-09 to 11-10 will be valid.
Setting auto gain adjustment
Ad just Pr.11- 06, 11- 07 and 11- 08
separately by speed response
Adjust by requirement
Pr.11-09, Pr. 11-10 (PDFF function)
Adjust by requirement Pr.10-17
(ASR1/ASR2 switch frequency)
Pr.10-20: Zero speed/ASR1 width adjustment
Pr.10-21: ASR1/ASR2 width adjustment
Adjust by requirement Pr.07-25~28 (torque limit)
Adjust gain value by manual
Pr.11-00=0 (factory setting)
Adjust Pr.1 0-11, 10- 1 2, 10- 13,
10-14, 10-15 and 10-16
separately by speed response
Adjust by requirement
Pr.10-18 (for general,
no need to adjust)
When Pr.11-00
is set Bit 0=1