Human Machine Interface User Manual

Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual
3-4 Revision Apr. 30th, 2007, 2007PDD23000002
Button Type Macro Read Write Function
Previous Page No No No After pressing this button, it will go back to the previous
screen. For example, suppose that there are three screens,
screen 1, screen 2 and screen 3. If the user has switched the
screen from screen 1, screen 2 to screen 3 in order, when
pressing “previous page” button on screen 3, HMI will switch
to screen 2. When pressing “previous page” on screen 2
again, HMI will switch to screen 3.
Previous View No No No After pressing this button, it will go back to the previous view,
just like Back command in Windows® Explorer Browse.
For example, suppose that there are three screens, screen 1,
screen 2 and screen 3. If the user has switched the screen
from screen 1, screen 2 to screen 3 in order, when pressing
“previous view” button on screen 3, HMI will switch to screen
2. When pressing “previous view” on screen 2 again, HMI will
switch to screen 1.
General Buttons
After pressing these buttons, HMI will transmit ON/OFF signal to PLC or the controller. There are four types
of buttons: Set button, Reset button, Momentary and Maintained buttons. Please refer to the following Table
3.2.2 for the property description of general buttons.
Table 3.2.2 Property description of general buttons
Property Description of General Buttons
The address can be internal memory or the controller address. If only the write
address is set, HMI will read the value of the write address automatically.
Pressing button next to the “Write Address” or “Read Address” you will enter
into the following “Input” dialog box and select the write address or the read
The link type can be Base Port (Controller) or Internal Memory. If the user is
connecting to multi connections, the new connections will be added into the “Link”
drop-down list. After selecting the Link option and Device Type, and correct
address, press the Enter key, the corresponding numeric value will be recorded on
the element that the user selected. Device types are described as follows:
Internal Memory
Receipt register
Write Address
Read Address
Non-volatile Internal
Memory (SRAM)
Receipt Number Register