Human Machine Interface User Manual

Chapter 3 Element Function|ScrEdit Software User Manual
Revision Apr. 30th, 2007, 2007PDD23000002 3-39
Property Description of Static Graphic Element
Add/Remove State It is used to set the state numbers of static graphic element. If the data length of the
value is in Word, 1~256 states can be set. If the data length of the value is in LSB, 16
states can be set. If the data length of the value is in Bit, only 2 states can be set.
No When this option is selected, the value of the read address will be
regarded as the state number. It means that the state number is
determined by the value of the read address. For example, if the value of
the read address $0 is 0, it will switch to 0th state; if the value of the read
address $0 is 5, it will switch to 5th state.
Yes When this option is selected and the value of the read address is a non-
zero value, the static graphic element will change automatically. For
example, if the value of the read address $0 is 1 and higher (a non-zero
value), the element will change the picture automatically according to the
change time that the user set. When the value of the read address $0 is
set to 0, the static graphic element will be back to the initial state and will
not change the picture automatically.
Auto Change
Variation When this option is selected, the property of the Read Address will be the
condition of changing element picture. The element will change the
picture automatically according to Read Address+1. For example, if $0 is
set to display the address of the element and $1 is set to change the
element picture, when the value of the read address $1is 0, the user
needs to use the read address $0 to switch the state of the static graphic
element. At this time, the static graphic element will not change
automatically, like when “No” option is selected. When $1 is 1 and higher
(a non-zero value), the static graphic element will change the picture
automatically, like when “Yes” option is selected.
If Yes is selected, it indicates that this element will be displayed in transparent color. It
is usually used with the transparent color setting of the element. Please refer to the
following example elements:
The transparent color has
not been set yet.
The element transparent
color has been set.
The transparent color of
the whole drawing has
been set.
Note: If Yes is selected (set to Transparent), the foreground color option is disabled.
Example of Static Graphic element:
The designated read address = D100. The internal memory value and each state should be as follows:
D100=0 D100=1 D100=2 D100=3 D100=4