Human Machine Interface User Manual

Appendix C Main Menu Operation of HMI System|ScrEdit Software User Manual
Revision Apr. 30th, 2007, 2007PDD23000002 C-7
System Parameter Settings:
It is used to set system parameter and communication settings.
System Parameters
Buzzer ON/OFF Set if Buzzer works or not.
ScreenSaver Time(Min) Set how long it waits before going into
screensaver after HMI is used. The unit is
Boot Delay Times(Sec) Set how long it delays before enabling HMI
program after the power is in connected to
HMI. The unit is seconds.
Default Language(ID) Set the default language when multi-language
function is used.
Print Interface Set the connecting print interface. It can be
USB or Parallel Port.
Communication Parameters
It is used to set communication parameters of each COM port.