Human Machine Interface User Manual

Chapter 2 Creating and Editing Screens|ScrEdit Software User Manual
Revision Apr. 30th, 2007, 2007PDD23000002 2-87
Fig. 2.8.38
Besides using internal memory address (RCPG and RCPNO), the user also can enter into
Configuration dialog box and change the address value of recipe register directly. In Fig. 2.8.34,
pressing Control Block button is to switch the recipe data through the settings of the Control Block and
the example display will be shown as Fig, 2.8.39. In Fig. 2.8.39, $500 is used to set the desired change
recipe group number. But there is a After Execute Macro set in this register. The macro explanation is
described as follows:
SWAP($501, $500, 1) Exchange the high and low byte of $500 and store the result in
$5 = $501 Move the value of $501 to $5
Since the example control block address is set to $0, $5 is set to the Recipe Control Register (RECR )
and bit 8 ~bit 15 is defined and used for setting recipe group number. There, the user should set the
designated recipe group, exchange the high and low byte and move the value to $5. After recipe group
number is set, press Block Change ($5.3) button to change recipe group. After the recipe group is
changed, the user should use $6 RBIR, i.e. Designated Recipe Group Number Register to designate
recipe group and press Change Group ($5.0) button to designate the desired using recipe group. When
Recipe Write ($5.2) button is pressed, recipe write operation will be enabled. HMI will write the recipe
data from HMI recipe register RCP into the designated recipe storage address ($1000 ~ $1006). The
example in Fig. 2.8.39 just displays the screen when HMI write the recipe data into $1000 ~ $1006.
Recipe Read ($5.1) button is used to execute read recipe operation. When this button is pressed, HMI
will read recipe data of recipe storage address ($1000 ~ $1006) back to HMI recipe register RCP