
Two fence stops, one right (A) Fig. 58, and one Heft(B),
are suppiied with your boring machine. A scab (D) is
provided on the fence which has a "0" mark in the center
and extends 15 inches out to the Heftand right. The stops
(A) and (B) can be moved anywhere abng the fence by
bosening Hockhandbs (C), moving the stops (A) and (B),
and tightening Hock handbs (C). NOTE: The Hockhandbs
(C) are springqoaded and can be repositioned by pulling
out the handb and repositioning the hub of the handb on
the nut iocated underneath the hub.
Figure 59 illustrates the Heftstop. The stop is positioned
12 inches to the Heftfrom the center of the fence. The
distance is read by the position of the stop (B) on the
Engibh/Metrb scab (D). If the stop (B) is not to be used,
the workpbce is placed against the fence and stop (B)
automatically moves to the rear allowing the workpiece
to be placed flush against the fence.
The following is an example of using both the left and
right stops to position the workpiece when boring a
series of holes one inch in from the edge of the
workpiece and an additional series of holes, in line with
the first series, four inches in from the other edge of the
1. The left stop (E) Fig. 60, should be set 1"to the left of
the last drill bit on the left side of the machine. The right
stop (F) Fig. 60 should be set 1" to the right of the last
drill bit on the right of the machine.
2. Figure 60 illustrates that we have just bored 13
hobs, one inch in from the edge of the workpiece (G).
The work-piece (G) is positioned against the fence with
the left edge of the workpiece against the left stop (E).
NOTE: The right stop (F) has been pushed back so the
workpiece can contact the fence surface.
3. Set the fence and table so the fence is four inches
away from the boring bits and turn the workpiece (G) Fig.
61, around so that the right edge of the workpiece (G) is
against the right stop (F) as shown. The left stop can then
be pushed back so the workpiece can contact the fence
surface. Bore the additional hobs, as shown in Fig. 61.
4. Figure 62 illustrates the two sets of hobs bored into
the workpiece using both stop&
Fig. 58
Fig. 59
Fig. 61
Fig. 60
Fig. 62