
Rev. 0.2 13
4. Delta-Sigma Noise Specifications
Delta-sigma converters make high-precision, high-resolution measurements of signals. Often, the measurement is
of a very small signal voltage; therefore, the noise performance is one of the most important specifications.
Figure 7. Histogram Analysis of Noise: Effective Noise vs. Noise-Free Resolution
Number of Samples
ADC Codes
"Bin" that has highest
number of samples
and is closest to input
Other "bins" receive
samples due to noise
Histogram has a shape
that approximates a
Gaussian PDF (shown
as dashed line) due to
white noise mixed with
dc input signal voltage
0 2^N102410231022102110201019 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029
Number of Samples
Effective Noise: rms noise is
one standard deviation (sigma)
0 2^N
Noise-Free Resolution:
6.6*sigma for 99.9% of
all output codes