
6 Rev. 0.2
Once the modulator clock is configured, the modulator sample rate of the ADC is also set to MDCLK/128.
Therefore, the typical sample rate is 2.4576 MHz/128 = 19.2 kHz. This will be well above the signal bandwidth
measured, as the maximum output word rate for the ADC is 1 kHz.
SFR Definition 2.2. ADC0CLK: ADC0 Modulator Clock Divisor
Bits 7–0: ADC0CLK: ADC0 Modulator Clock Divisor.
This register establishes the Modulator Clock (MDCLK), by dividing down the system clock
(SYSCLK). The input signal is sampled by the modulator at a frequency of MDCLK / 128. For opti-
mal performance, the divider should be chosen such that the modulator clock is equal to
2.4576 MHz (modulator sampling rate = 19.2 kHz).
The system clock is divided according to the equation:
Note: The Modulator Sampling Rate is not the ADC Output Word Rate.
R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Value
ADC0CLK 00000000
Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
SFR Address: