Owner`s manual

1. W ARNING: Do not operate the jointer until it is
completely assembled and inst alled according to the
2.IF YOU ARE NOT thoroughly familiar with the oper-
ation of jointers, obt ain advice from your supervisor ,
instructor or other qualified person.
3. KEEP cutterhead sharp and free of all rust and pitch.
4. BEFORE starting machine, check cutterhead guard
to make sure it is not damaged and operates freely.
5. A LW A Y S make sure exposed cutterhead behind the
fence is guarded, especially when jointing near the edge.
6. NEVER perform jointing or planing operations with
the cutterhead guard removed.
7. MAKE CERTAIN the infeed and out feed t ables are
tightened before st arting the machine.
8. NEVER st art the jointer with the workpiece cont act -
ing the cutterhead.
9. A L W A Y S hold the workpiece firmly against the
tables and fence.
10. NEVER perform any operation Free-hand which
means using your hands to support or guide the work -
piece. A L W A YS use the fence to position and guide the
11. A VOID awkward operations and hand positions
where a sudden slip could cause your hand to move into
the cutterhead.
12. A LW A Y S use hold-down/push blocks for jointing
material less than 3 inches in height or planing material
thinner than 3 inches.
13. D O N O T perform jointing operations on material
shorter than 10 inches, narrower than 3/4 inch or less
than 1/2 inch thick.
14. D O N O T perform planing operations on material
shorter than 10 inches, narrower than 3/4 inch, wider
than 6 inches or less than 1/2 inch thick.
15. NEVER make jointing or planing cut s deeper than
1/8 inch. On cut s more than 1-1/2 inches wide, adjust
depth of cut to 1/16 inch or less to avoid overloading
machine and to minimize chance of kick-back (work
thrown back toward you).
16. MAINTAIN the proper relationship of infeed and out -
feed t able surfaces and cutterhead knife p ath.
17. SUPPORT the workpiece adequately at all times
during operation; maint ain control of the work at all times.
18. D O N O T back the workpiece toward the infeed t able.
19. D O N O T attempt to perform an abnormal or little-
used operation without study and the use of adequate
hold-down/push blocks, jigs, fixtures, stop s, push blocks,
20. SHUT OFF power before servicing or adjusting jointer .
21. DISCONNECT jointer from power source and clean
the machine before leaving it.
22. MAKE SURE the work area is clean before leaving
the machine.
23. SHOULD any p art of your jointer be missing, dam -
aged, or fail in any way, or any electrical component fail
to perform properly, shut of f switch and remove plug from
power supply outlet. Replace missing, damaged or failed
part s before resuming operation.
24. THE USE of attachments and accessories not recom-
mended by Delta may result in the risk of injuiries.
25. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding the safe
and proper operation of this product is available from the
National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, It asca,
IL 60143-3201 in the Accident Prevention Manual for
Industrial Operation and also in the Safety Dat a Sheets
provided by the NSC. Please also refer to the American
National Standatd Institute ANSI 01.1 Safety
Requirements for W oodworking Machinery and the U.S.
D e partment of Labor OSHA 1910.213 Regulations.
26. S AVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Refer to them of ten
and use them to instruct others.