Hardware manual

AH500 Hardware Manual
4.2.5 Start Addresses for Network Modules
Input/Output data registers are automatically assigned to a motion control module through HWCONFIG in
ISPSoft according to the number of registers which is defined for the motion control module.
AH10EN-5A: The input device range occupies 20 data registers, and the output device range occupies 20
data registers.
AH10SCM-5A: The input device range occupies 18 data registers.
AH10DNET-5A: No input registers and no output registers are assigned to it.
AH10PFBS-5A: No input registers and no output registers are assigned to it.
AH10PFBM-5A: The input device range occupies 15 data registers.
AH10COPM-5A: The input device range occupies 2 data registers.
4.3 User-defined Addresses
4.3.1 Start Addresses for Digital Input/Output Modules
Users can assign input devices and output devices to a digital input/output module through HWCONFIG in
ISPSoft. The input devices should be in the range of X0.0 to X511.15, and the output devices should be in the
range of Y0.0 to Y511.15. Take AH16AP11R-5A for instance. The original input devices are X0.0~X0.15, and
the original output devices are Y0.0~Y0.15. Users can change the input device range from X0.0~X0.15 to
X10.0~X10.15, and change the output device range from Y0.0~Y0.15 to Y20.0~Y20.15.
Default input/output device range: X0.0~X0.15, and Y0.0~Y0.15