Hardware manual

AH500 Hardware Manual
2.1 AH500 Hardware Framework
2.1.1 Component Parts of AH500 Hardware
A complete AH500 system consists of a main backplane, extension backplanes, power supply modules, a CPU
module, I/O modules, and extension cables. The basic AH500 system is illustrated below.
7 backplanes Necessary Components
A complete AH500 system consists of the following four necessary components.
Main backplane
A CPU module and other modules are installed on a main backplane which provides the function of
connecting buses. The main backplanes are divided into four types according to the number of I/O
modules installed on the main backplanes. These four types are four-slot main backplanes, six-slot main
backplanes, eight-slot main backplanes, and twelve-slot main backplanes. Besides, a CPU module
installed on a main backplane can be replaced by a RTU module on a control network. Please notice that
there is at least one CPU module on a control network.
POWER CPU I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7