User's Manual

Chapter 7 Servo Parameters|ASDA-B Series
7-50 Revision January, 2009
2: AutoMode (The ratio of Load Inertia to servo motor inertia is fixed)
The ratio of Load Inertia to servo motor inertia is set by parameter P1-37.
The level of stiffness and responsiveness are adjusted by parameter P2-31.
Control Loop Structure Settings:
0: PDFF Control. PDFF : Pseudo-Derivative Feedback and Feedforward
1: PI Control. PI : Proportional - Integral control
Explanation of Auto-tuning:
1. When switching mode #1 to #2 or #0, the system will save the measured load inertia value
automatically and memorized in P1-37 and related gain parameters.
2. In AutoMode #1, the system will save the measured load inertia value every 30 minutes
automatically and memorized in P1-37.
3. In AutoMode #2, if the setting value of P2-31 changes, the related gain parameters will also
change. However, the setting value of P1-37 will retain its value.
4. When switching mode #2 to #0, it indicates the setting of P1-37 and all settings of related
gain parameters will be returned to original setting value in #0 manual mode.
5. No matter in Manual mode #0 or in AutoMode #2, the users should enter the appropriate
load inertia value in P1-37.
6. If the users use the servo dynamic auto-tuning function of ASDA-B software (Tools Æ Servo
Tuning Æ Dynamic Auto tuning), it will save the measured load inertia value and memorized
in P1-37 and related gain parameters.
P2 - 33
Reserved Communication Addr.: 0221H
P2 - 34
SDEV Overspeed Warning Condition Communication Addr.: 0222H
Default: 5000 Related Section:
Applicable Control Mode: S Fault Code 07 in P0-01
Unit: rpm
Range: 1 ~ 6000
This parameter is used to set the over speed condition of the drive fault code. (See P0-01)
P2 - 35
PDEV Excessive Error Warning Condition Communication Addr.: 0223H
Default: 3000 Related Section:
Applicable Control Mode: P Fault Code 09 in P0-01
Unit: 10 pulse (10pls)
Range: 1 ~ 30000
This parameter is used to set the excessive error condition of the drive fault code. (See P0-01)