User's Manual

Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens
Revision May, 2010 3-181 Historical Data Table
Property Description of Historical Data Table Elements
Convert the history data to numeric data and display on HMI screen by a data table.
The read address in the History Setup dialog box needs to be set and its data length
should be in several words. The range of data length is within 1 ~ 8words. The Data
No. in History Data Detail dialog will also correspond to the selected Data Length in
Buffer Properties of History Setup.
Border Color
The below element background color is set to green and its border
color is set to gray.
Data Field
1~8 data fields can be set.
Setting Buffer ID
Use this option to set the number (No.1 ~ No.12) of
history buffer for reading the data of PLC corresponding
address. The user can press the History Buffer Setup
button or click Option > History Setup (Choosing
History Setup command from menu bar) to set the PLC
corresponding address.