User's Manual

Chapter 4 Examples
Click Options > 32bitss recipe, it can open 32bits Recipe Setup dialog box. In this example,
two recipe tables are created, the write address is set to 1@D100 and the non-volatile area is set
to HMI. In the 1st recipe table, set the Length to 5 and set the Group to 5. In the 2nd recipe table,
set the Length to 5 and set the Group to 3.
After pressing OK button, the users screen will look like the figure shown below.
Then, c
lick Save icon to complete the settings.
Next, click Options > Configuration, select Control Block tab. To control the read and write
operation of recipes, in this example, Control Address is set to 1@D0 and the Length is set to 8.
After complete the above settings, the users screen will look like the figure shown below.
Revision May, 2010 4-7