Instruction Manual

Motion Control Parameters MMC120 Linear Motion Control Module
38 Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
DECELERATION (Default: 1000)
This parameter is the same as ACCELERATION except it specifies the deceleration ramp length or
deceleration rate.
SPEED (Default: 1000)
The SPEED parameter sets the constant speed to be achieved after acceleration. SPEED is expressed in
position units/second. If the SCALE is set so one position unit equals .001", a speed of 25 inches per second is
expressed as 25000.
NOTE: When using Acceleration/Deceleration Mode 2, changing the SPEED without changing the
ACCELERATION and DECELERATION distances will change the acceleration and deceleration rates.
If the SPEED is set to zero, the axis will not move.
The COMMAND VALUE field is multipurpose. Usually it is used with the 'G' command to specify the
position where the axis is to move. When used this way, the value is bounds-checked by the Motion Control
Module using the EXTEND LIMIT and RETRACT LIMIT and is then used as the COMMAND POSITION
Here is the complete list of commands that use this field:
For this command: The COMMAND VALUE field is:
'A' (Change ACCEL) Acceleration value
'D' (Change DECEL) Deceleration value
'E' (Start Events) Event number
'G' (Go To Position) Requested Position
'I' (Set Integral Drive) Integral Drive value
'J' (Go Relative) Relative Position
'M' (Set Mode) Mode
'N' (Set Null) New Null value
'O' (Open Loop Output) Requested Drive
'U' (Update FLASH) The section of FLASH memory to update
'V' (Set SPEED) Speed
Make sure that the data in the COMMAND VALUE field is correct before you issue any of these commands.
The COMMAND word tells the MMC120 what to do. See Appendix A for more information about