Instruction Manual

Motion Control Parameters MMC120 Linear Motion Control Module
42 Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
Bit 6 - Position Overflow
This bit is set when the ACTUAL POSITION is greater than its 16 bit limit (above 65535 counts). The
ACTUAL POSITION will display 65535, indicating an invalid value. The Position Overflow bit is not
latched. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of AUTO STOP bits 6 and
14. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.
Bit 7 - Integrator Windup
This bit is set when the integrator value is larger than 20% or 80%, depending on the setting of the Integrator
bit in the Configuration word. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the setting of
AUTO STOP bits 7 and 15. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.
Bit 8 - Following Error
This bit is set when the difference between the TARGET POSITION and the ACTUAL POSITION is greater
than the MAXIMUM ERROR parameter. It causes no action, a Soft Stop, or a Hard Stop, depending on the
setting of AUTO STOP bits 8 and 16. This bit will stay on until a new command is given to the axis.
Bit 9 - Acknowledge
This bit will toggle after a valid command or Status Area Request is received by the MMC120 from the
Programmable Controller.
Bit 10 - Initialized
This bit is set after a Set Parameter ('P') command is successfully executed. Until this bit is set, the axis will
not respond to any GO ('G') commands. This bit is cleared whenever the module is reset.
Bits 11 & 12 - State Bits
Bits 11 and 12 show the state of the target generator:
Bit 11 (State Bit B) Bit 12 (State Bit A)
Stopped 0 0
Accelerating 0 1
Constant Speed 1 0
Decelerating 1 1
These bits will also be active when the axis is in open loop (zero output drive, ramping drive up, constant
drive, and ramping drive down).