
VFD-B Series
05 - 17
Time Duration of 1st Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 18
Time Duration of 2nd Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 19
Time Duration of 3rd Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 10
Time Duration of 4th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 21
Time Duration of 5th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 22
Time Duration of 6th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 23
Time Duration of 7th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 24
Time Duration of 8th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 25
Time Duration of 9th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 26
Time Duration of 10th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 27
Time Duration of 11th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 28
Time Duration of 12th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 29
Time Duration of 13th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 30
Time Duration of 14th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
05 - 31
Time Duration of 15th Step Speed
Factory Setting: 0.0
Settings 0.0 to 65500 Unit: 1 /0.1sec
Pr.05-17 to Pr.05-31 correspond to operation time of each step speed defined by
Pr.05-00 to Pr.05-14. The maximum setting 65500 seconds will be displayed as t6550. If
it is displayed t6550. that means 6550 seconds.
Note: If a parameter is set to “00” (0 sec), the corresponding step will be skipped. This is
commonly used to reduce the number of program steps
05 - 32
Time Unit Settings Factory Setting: 00
Settings 00 1 Sec
01 0.1 Sec
This parameter determines the time unit for Pr.05-17~Pr.05-31.
05 - 33
Skip Frequency Width Factory Setting: 0.00
0.00400.00 Hz
05 - 34
Bias Frequency Width Factory Setting: 0.00
0.00400.00 Hz
Frequency of top point F
= master frequency F + Pr.05-33 + Pr.05-34.
Frequency of down point F
= master frequency F – Pr.05-33 – Pr.05-34.