User guide

RMC100 and RMCWin User Manual
4. Under Link Condition, click the appropriate option for whether you wish to wait for one or more
bits to be ON or OFF.
5. Under Link Condition, check the boxes next to the Status bits that you wish to monitor with this
link type.
Using without the Link Type and Link Value Dialog Box
1. Calculate the Link Type:
This involves converting the following bit fields into a hexadecimal byte. It is highly recommended
that the Link Type and Link Value dialog box be used instead of doing this manually. Use the
following diagram to calculate the byte in binary and then convert to hexadecimal or decimal and
enter in the Link Type field.
Axis - bit 2, Axis - bit 1 and Axis - bit 0 specify the number (in binary) of the axis to monitor (Axis
0 to 7).
2. Enter the Link Value. Use the STATUS Word Bit Map to calculate a 16-bit hexadecimal word that
matches the bits you wish to wait for.