Protocol Specs

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NETWORK SETUP of AVR-1713/1613
>Procedure of Network Setup mode.
(1)Press SETUP MENU button, then Menu appears on FL-display(and GUI)
(2)Select Setup Menu > Network > Settings .
(3)Set parameters described below.
<DHCP> "ON"---Use this setting when DHCP server is on the local network.
"OFF"---Use this setting when DHCP server is not on the local network.
<IP Address> When <DHCP> sets "OFF, please set IP address.
When <DHCP> sets "ON, you can confirm the IP address that is set by server.
<Subnet Mask> When <DHCP> sets "OFF, please set Subnet Mask.
When <DHCP> sets "ON, you can confirm the Subnet Mask that is set by server.
<Gateway> Set the address of Gateway when Gateway is on the local network.
Do not set this parameter when Gateway is not on the local network.
<Primary DNS> Do not set this parameter.
<Second DNS> Do not set this parameter.
<Proxy> Set this parameter "OFF".
<Network Option: IP Control>
(1)Press SETUP MENU button, then Menu appears on FL-display (and GUI)
(2)Select Setup Menu > Network > IP Control
(3)Set parameters described below.
Always On---Use this setting when using the AVR-1713/1613 Connected in a network.
Off In Standby--- Use this setting when not using the AVR-1713/1613 connected in a network.
This setting is reducing the power consumption in the standby mode.