Operation Manual

Getting Started Connections Playback Remote ControlMulti-zone Information Troubleshooting Specifications
Making Detailed Settings (Manual Setup)
Setting items Setting contents
Set the signal output from
Stereo : Select stereo output.
Mono : Select mono output.
When “Amp Assign” (vpage 33) is set to “ZONE2/3-MONO”, the
“Channel” setting is automatically set to “Mono”.
Volume Display
Set how volume is
Relative : Display - - - dB (Min), in the range –80 dB ~ 18 dB.
Absolute : Display in the range 0 (Min) ~ 99.
The “Volume Display” setting is applied also to the “Volume Level”,
“Volume Limit” and “Power On Level” display method.
The “Volume Display” setting applies to all zones.
Volume Level
Set the volume output level.
Variable : Volume adjustment enabled by main unit and remote
–40dB (41) : Fix volume at –40 dB. Set when adjusting volume by external
0dB (81) : Fix volume at 0 dB. Set when adjusting volume by external
When “Amp Assign” (vpage 33) is set to “ZONE2”, “ZONE3” or
“ZONE2/3-MONO”, the “Volume Level” setting is automatically set
to “Variable”.
Volume Limit
Make a setting for maximum
OFF : Do not set a maximum volume.
–20dB (61) / –10dB (71) / 0dB (81)
Can be set when the multi-zone “Volume Level” setting (vpage 40)
is “Variable”.
Power On Level
Define the volume setting
that is active when the
power is turned on.
Last : Use the memorized setting from the last session.
– – – (0) : Always use the muting on condition when power is turned on.
–80dB ~ 18dB (1 ~ 99) : The volume is adjusted to the set level.
Can be set when the multi-zone “Volume Level” setting (vpage 40)
is “Variable”.
Mute Level
Set the amount of attenuation
when muting is on.
Full : The sound is muted entirely.
–40dB : The sound is attenuated by 40 dB down.
–20dB : The sound is attenuated by 20 dB down.
Setting items Setting contents
Volume Control
Set the MAIN ZONE volume
Volume Display : Set how volume is displayed.
Relative : Display - - - dB (Min), in the range –80 dB ~ 18 dB.
Absolute : Display in the range 0 (Min) ~ 99.
The “Volume Display” setting is applied also to the “Volume Limit” and
“Power On Level” display method.
The “Volume Display” setting applies to all zones.
Volume Limit : Make a setting for maximum volume
OFF : Do not set a maximum volume.
–20dB (61) / –10dB (71) / 0dB (81)
Power On Level : Define the volume setting that is active when the
power is turned on.
Last : Use the memorized setting from the last session.
(0) : Always use the muting on condition when power is turned
–80dB ~ 18dB (1 ~ 99) : The volume is adjusted to the set level.
Mute Level : Set the amount of attenuation when muting is on.
Full : The sound is muted entirely.
–40dB : The sound is attenuated by 40 dB down.
–20dB : The sound is attenuated by 20 dB down.
Source Delete
Remove input sources
that are not used from the
USB / TUNER : Select input source that is not used.
ON : Use this source.
Delete : Do not use this source.
Input sources being used in the various zones cannot be deleted.
Input sources set to “Delete” cannot be selected using SOURCE
Make GUI related settings.
Screensaver : Make screensaver settings.
ON : The screen saver is activated during GUI menu display or NET/USB
/ iPod / TUNER screen display if no operation is performed approximately
for a continuous 3-minute period. When you press uio p, the screen
saver is cancelled and the screen before that screen saver started is
OFF : Screen saver is not activated.
Making Other Settings (Option Setup)
Default settings are underlined.
Main remote control
operation buttons
:Displaying the menu
Cancel the menu
:Moves the cursor
:Confirm the setting :Return to previous menu