Owner's Manual

Front panel Display Rear panel IndexRemote
2 Low Frequency
Adjust the low-frequency eects level (LFE).
–10dB – 0dB (Default)
•For proper playback of the dierent sources, we recommend setting to the
values below.
•Dolby Digital sources : 0dB
•DTS movie sources : 0dB
•DTS music sources : –10dB
2 Center Image
Distributes the dialogue output from the center channel to the front left
and right channels and widens the sound image in the front.
0.0 – 1.0 (Default : 0.3)
•You can set this when the sound mode is set to DTS NEO:6 Music.
•The smaller the value, the more dialogue is concentrated on the center
channel. The larger the value, the more dialogue is distributed to front left and
right channels, and the more the sound image widens in the front.
2 Panorama
Assign front L/R signals to also go to the surround channels for wider
On : Set.
O (Default) : Do not set.
•You can set this when the sound mode is Dolby PLg in the “Music” mode.
2 Dimension
Shift sound image center to front or rear to adjust playback balance.
0 – 6 (Default : 3)
•You can set this when the sound mode is Dolby PLg in the “Music” mode.
•As you set a smaller number, the surround sound field shifts backward; as you
set a larger number, the surround sound field shifts forward.